San Francisco LSAT: Group classes v. Individual LSAT tutoring sessions

December 7, 2008 at 9:40 pm | Posted in Getting High LSAT Score, How to study for LSAT, Private LSAT tutuoring | Leave a comment
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One of the typical mistakes that LSAT students make when preparing for the exam is that they place too much value and rely too heavily on the prep course. They believe that once they learn all the “tricks” and all the techniques for solving games and arguments, they will be ready to go and get a high score on the LSAT exam.  This is hardly ever true, however, as there is much more to succeeding on LSAT exam than just knowing the tricks; it’s is mostly about knowing how and when to apply the useful LSAT strategies, and this only comes with experience.

Like any other skills, becoming good and quick with lsat logical games and analytical reasoning arguments takes time and parctice. You must develop that intuition of what was on the mind of the author of any given question and what he is trying to test you on in order to answer any given question quickly and correctly. This comes only with the quantity of work done and with trying to solve a variety of problem as well as going over the questions you haven’t answered correctly and trying to understanding what pevent you from solving any given question or problem.

Thus, if you have a few months before taking the test, you must be planning to do at least one LSAT section per day every day in order to develop that necessary experience for a high LSAT score.

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